There is nothing to forgive.
No one can hurt the Son of God.
His guilt is wholly without cause,
and being without cause, cannot exist.
We are deceived no longer. Love has now returned
to our awareness. And we are at peace again,
for fear has gone and only love remains.
We thank You, Father, that we cannot lose the
memory of You and of Your Love. We recognize our
safety, and give thanks for all the gifts You have
bestowed on us, for all the loving help we have
received, for Your eternal patience, and the Word
which You have given us that we are saved.
Forgiveness is not pity, which but seeks to pardon
what it thinks to be the truth. Good cannot be
returned for evil, for forgiveness does not first
establish sin and then forgive it.
Miracle-minded forgiveness is only correction.
It has no element of judgment at all. The statement
“Father forgive them for they know not what they
do” in no way evaluates what they do. It is an appeal
to God to heal their minds. There is no reference to
the outcome of the error. That does not matter.
This day I choose to spend in perfect peace.
It does not seem to me that I can choose to have
but peace today. And yet, my God assures me
that His Son is like Himself. Let me this day
have faith in Him Who says I am God’s Son. .
The face of Christ is looked upon
before the Father is remembered.
For He must be unremembered till His Son has
reached beyond forgiveness to the Love of God.
Yet is the Love of Christ accepted first.
And then will come the knowledge They are one.
Now is the question different.
It is no longer, “Can peace be possible in this
world?” but instead, “Is it not impossible
that peace be absent here?”
I am as God created me.
Let us declare this truth as often as we can.
This is the Word of God that sets you free.
This is the key that opens up the gate of Heaven,
and that lets you enter in the peace of God
and His eternity.
And all the world departs in silence as this peace
envelops it, and gently carries it to truth, no
more to be the home of fear. For love has come,
and healed the world by giving it Christ’s peace.
Only the Love of God will protect you in all
circumstances. It will lift you out of every trial,
and raise you high above all the perceived dangers
of this world into a climate of perfect peace
and safety.
Perception rests, the mind is still
and light returns again. Vision is now restored.
What had been lost has now been found.
The peace of God descends on all the world,
and we can see. And we can see!
Accept God’s peace and joy, and you will learn a
different way of looking at a gift. God’s gifts will
never lessen when they are given away.
They but increase thereby.
Father, help us forgive, for we would be redeemed.
Help us forgive, for we would be at peace.
Not yet is Heaven quite remembered,
for the purpose of forgiveness still remains.
Yet everyone is certain he will go beyond
forgiveness, and he but remains until
it is made perfect in himself.
He has no wish for anything but this.
Father, the peace of Christ is given us, because it is
Your Will that we be saved. Help us today but to
accept Your gift, and judge it not. For it has come
to us to save us from our judgment on ourselves.
We seek no further.
We are close to home,
and draw still nearer every time we say:
There is no peace except the peace of God,
And I am glad and thankful it is so.
Peace is impossible to those who look on war.
Peace is inevitable to those who offer peace.
Around you angels hover lovingly,
to keep away all darkened thoughts of sin,
and keep the light where it has entered in.
Your footprints lighten up the world, for where
you walk forgiveness gladly goes with you.
Today the peace of God envelops me,
And I forget all things except His Love.
Father, we have no words except Your Name
upon our lips and in our minds, as we come
quietly into Your Presence now, and ask to rest
with You in peace a while.
Stop for a moment now and think of this:
Is conflict what you want, or is God’s peace
the better choice? Which gives you more?
A tranquil mind is not a little gift.
Would you not rather live than choose to die?
God’s peace can never come where anger is,
for anger must deny that peace exists.
Who sees anger as justified in any way or any
circumstance proclaims that peace is meaningless,
and must believe that it cannot exist.
In this condition, peace cannot be found.
This is the day of peace. You rest in God,
and while the world is torn by winds of hate
your rest remains completely undisturbed.
Yours is the rest of truth.
Appearances cannot intrude on you.
I am one Self, united with my Creator.
Serenity and perfect peace are mine,
because I am one Self, completely whole,
at one with all creation and with God.
Father, guide Your Son along the
quiet path that leads to You.
Let my forgiveness be complete,
and let the memory of You return to me.
Strength and light unite in you,
and where they meet, your Self stands ready to
embrace you as Its Own. Such is the meeting place
we try today to find and rest in, for the peace of God
is where your Self, His Son, is waiting now
to meet Itself again, and be as one.
You who want peace can find it only
by complete forgiveness.
I will there be light.
Light shall be my guide today. I will follow it where
it leads me, and I will look only on what it shows me.
This day I will experience the peace
of true perception.
I need not wait an instant more to be at
peace forever. It is You I choose, and my
Identity along with You. Your Son would be
Himself, and know You as his Father
and Creator, and his Love.
The mercy and the peace of God are free.
Salvation has no cost. It is a gift that must
be freely given and received. And it is this
that we would learn today.
Forgiveness takes away what stands between
your brother and yourself.
It is the wish that you be joined with him,
and not apart.
No rules are idly set, and no demands are made
of anyone or anything to twist and fit into the
dream of fear. Instead, there is a wish to
understand all things created as they really are.
And it is recognized that all things must be
first forgiven, and then understood.
My heart is beating in the peace of God.
Surrounding me is all the life that God created in
His Love. It calls to me in every heartbeat and in
every breath; in every action and in every thought.
Peace fills my heart, and floods my body with
the purpose of forgiveness.
When I see the world as a place of freedom,
I realize that it reflects the laws of God instead of
the rules I made up for it to obey. I will understand
that peace, not war, abides in it. And I will perceive
that peace also abides in the hearts of all
who share this place with me.
We wait with one intent; to hear our Father’s
answer to our call, to let our thoughts be still
and find His peace, to hear Him speak to us of
what we are, and to reveal Himself unto His Son.
Where there is death is peace impossible.
I want the peace of God.
It is this one intent we seek today, uniting our
desires with the need of every heart, the call of
every mind, the hope that lies beyond despair,
the love attack would hide, the brotherhood
that hate has sought to sever, but which
still remains as God created it.
The miracle forgives because it stands for
what is past forgiveness and is true.
How foolish and insane it is to think a miracle
is bound by laws that it came solely to undo!
God’s Voice is offering the peace of God
to all who hear and choose to follow Him.
This is my choice today. And so I go to find
the treasures God has given me.
You rest within the peace of God today,
and call upon your brothers from your rest
to draw them to their rest, along with you.
You will be faithful to your trust today, forgetting
no one, bringing everyone into the boundless circle
of your peace, the holy sanctuary where you rest.
Insane thoughts are upsetting. They produce
a world in which there is no order anywhere.
Only chaos rules a world that represents chaotic
thinking, and chaos has no laws. I cannot live
in peace in such a world. I am grateful that this
world is not real, and that I need not see it at all
unless I choose to value it.
Ours are the ears that hear the Voice for God
proclaim the world as sinless. Ours the minds
that join together as we bless the world. And from
the oneness that we have attained we call to
all our brothers, asking them to share our peace
and consummate our joy.
How willing are you to forgive your brother?
How much do you desire peace instead of
endless strife and misery and pain?
These questions are the same, in different form.
As Heaven’s peace and joy intensify when you
accept them as God’s gift to you, so does the joy
of your Creator grow when you accept His joy
and peace as yours. True giving is creation.
Father, today I am Your Son again.
Today we will anticipate the time when dreams
of sin and guilt are gone, and we have reached
the holy peace we never left.
Sin is attacked by punishment, and so preserved.
But to forgive it is to change its state
from error into truth.
Light and joy and peace abide in me.
Why would you not be overjoyed to be assured that
all the evil that you think you did was never done,
that all your sins are nothing, that you are as
pure and holy as you were created, and that
light and joy and peace abide in you?
I seek but the eternal. For Your Son can be content
with nothing less than this. What, then, can be his
solace but what You are offering to his bewildered
mind and frightened heart, to give him
certainty and bring him peace?
Death will not claim the future now, for life is
now its goal, and all the needed means are happily
provided. Who can grieve or suffer when the
present has been freed, extending its security
and peace into a quiet future filled with joy?
The final step is also but a shift. As a perception
it is part unreal. And yet this part will vanish.
What remains is peace eternal and the Will of God.
Forgive your brother all appearances, that are but
ancient lessons you have taught yourself about the
sinfulness in you. Hear but his call for mercy and
release from all the fearful images he holds of
what he is and of what you must be.
You who want peace can find it only
by complete forgiveness.
Forgiveness is a selective remembering, based not
on your selection. For the shadow figures you would
make immortal are “enemies” of reality. Be willing
to forgive the Son of God for what he did not do.
To forgive is merely to remember only the loving
thoughts you gave in the past, and those that were
given you. All the rest must be forgotten.
Forgiveness is not real unless it brings a healing to
your brother and yourself. You must attest his sins
have no effect on you to demonstrate they are not
real. How else could he be guiltless? And how could
his innocence be justified unless his sins have no
effect to warrant guilt?
And when the memory of God has come to you in
the holy place of forgiveness you will remember
nothing else, and memory will be as useless as
learning, for your only purpose will be creating.
The Holy Spirit looks through me today.
Christ asks that He may use my eyes today,
and thus redeem the world. He asks this gift
that He may offer peace of mind to me,
and take away all terror and all pain.
You who are beloved of Him are no illusion, being
as true and holy as Himself. The stillness of your
certainty of Him and of yourself is home to both
of You, Who dwell as one and not apart. Open the
door of His most holy home, and let forgiveness
sweep away all trace of the belief in sin that keeps
God homeless and His Son with Him.
Peace to all seeking hearts today.
The light has come to offer miracles to
bless the tired world. It will find rest today,
for we will offer what we have received.
Peace be to me, the holy Son of God.
Peace to my brother, who is one with me.
Let all the world be blessed with peace through us.
Peace to my mind. Let all my thoughts be still.
Father, I come to You today to seek the peace
that You alone can give. I come in silence.
In the quiet of my heart, the deep recesses
of my mind, I wait and listen for Your Voice.
Hear, holy Son of God, your Father speak.
His Voice would give to you His holy Word,
to spread across the world the tidings of
salvation and the holy time of peace.
Anger is never justified. Attack has no foundation.
It is here escape from fear begins, and will be
made complete. Here is the real world give
in exchange for dreams of terror. For it is on
this forgiveness rests, and is but natural.
The real world is attained simply by
the complete forgiveness of the old,
the world you see without forgiveness.
Only illusions can be forgiven,
and then they disappear.
Forgiveness is release from all illusions,
and that is why it is impossible
but partly to forgive.
Father, let me remember You are here,
and I am not alone.
Surrounding me is everlasting Love.
I have no cause for anything except the
perfect peace and joy I share with You.
Born as a gift for someone not perceived
to be yourself, it has been given you.
For your forgiveness, offered unto him,
has been accepted now for both of you.
Forgiveness does not aim at keeping time, but at
its ending, when it has no use. Its purpose ended,
it is gone. And where it once held seeming sway
is now restored the function God established for
His Son in full awareness. Time can set no end
to its fulfillment nor its changelessness.
There is no end to all the peace and joy,
And all the miracles that I will give,
When I accept God’s Word. Why not today?
To fear God’s saving grace is but to fear complete
release from suffering, return to peace, security
and happiness, and union with your own Identity.
Are you invulnerable? Then the world is harmless
in your sight. Do you forgive? Then is the world
forgiving, for you have forgiven it its trespasses,
and so it looks on you with eyes that see as yours.
There is no peace except the peace of God.
Let me not wander from the way of peace,
for I am lost on other roads than this.
But let me follow Him Who leads me home,
and peace is certain as the Love of God.
Your peace is with me, Father. I am safe.
Your peace surrounds me, Father. Where I go,
Your peace goes there with me. I give Your peace
to those who suffer pain, or grieve for loss, or think
they are bereft of hope and happiness. Send them to
me, my Father. Let me bring Your peace with me.
Forgiveness offers everything I want.
What could you want forgiveness cannot give?
Do you want peace? Forgiveness offers it.
Only forgiveness offers miracles.
And pardon must be just to everyone.
Listen, and hear your Father speak to you
through His appointed Voice, Which silences
the thunder of the meaningless, and shows
the way to peace to those who cannot see.
Be still today and listen to the truth.
God asks you to be happy, so the world can see how
much He loves His Son, and wills no sorrow rises to
abate his joy; no fear besets him to disturb his peace.
Perhaps you do not see the role forgiveness plays
in ending death and all beliefs that rise from mists
of guilt. Sins are beliefs that you impose between
your brother and yourself. They limit you to time
and place, and give a little space to you, another
little space to him.
Peace of mind is clearly an internal matter.
It must begin with your own thoughts, and then
extend outward. It is from your peace of mind that
a peaceful perception of the world arises.
The forgiven are the means of the Atonement.
Being filled with spirit, they forgive in return.
Those who are released must join in releasing their
brothers, for this is the plan of the Atonement.
My salvation comes from me.
The seeming cost of accepting today’s idea is this:
It means that nothing outside yourself can save you;
nothing outside yourself can give you peace. But it
also means that nothing outside yourselfcan hurt
you, or disturb your peace or upset you in any way.
Ask not to be forgiven,
for this has already been accomplished.
Ask, rather, to learn how to forgive, and to
restore what always was to your unforgiving mind.
Atonement becomes real and visible
to those who use it.
I will forgive, and this will disappear.
You never hate your brother for his sins, but only
for your own. Whatever form his sins appear to
take, it but obscures the fact that you believe
them to be yours, and therefore meriting a “just”
attack. Why should his sins be sins, if you did not
believe they could not be forgiven in you?
The world will end in peace,
because it is a place of war.
When peace has come,
what is the purpose of the world?
Forgiving dreams are means to step aside from
dreaming of a world outside yourself.
And leading finally beyond all dreams
unto the peace of everlasting life.
My Father gives all power unto me.
The Son of God is limitless. There are no limits on
his strength, his peace, his joy, nor any attributes
his Father gave in his creation.
If you but knew the glorious goal that lies beyond
forgiveness, you would not keep hold on any
thought, however light the touch of evil on it may
appear to be. For you would understand how great
the cost of holding anything God did not give
in minds that can direct the hand to bless,
and lead God’s Son unto his Father’s house.
There is a hope of happiness in him so sure
and constant he can barely stay and wait a little
longer, with his feet still touching earth. Yet is he
glad to wait till every hand is joined, and every
heart made ready to arise and go with him.
For thus is he made ready for the step in
which is all forgiveness left behind.
As forgiveness allows love to return to my
awareness, I will see a world of peace and safety
and joy. And it is this I choose to see,
in place of what I look on now.
I am one Self, united with my Creator,
at one with every aspect of creation,
and limitless in power and in peace.
So do we clear the way for Him today by simply
recognizing that His Will is done already, and that
joy and peace belong to us as His eternal gifts.
We will not let ourselves lose sight of them
between the times we come to seek for them
where He has laid them.
Forgive us our illusions, Father, and help us to
accept our true relationship with You, in which there
are no illusions, and where none can ever enter.
Our holiness is Yours. What can there be in us
that needs forgiveness when Yours is perfect?
The sleep of forgetfulness is only the unwillingness
to remember Your forgiveness and Your Love.
Your relationship with your brother has been
uprooted from the world of shadows, and its
unholy purpose has been safely brought through
the barriers of guilt, washed with forgiveness, and
set shining and firmly rooted in the world of light.
God’s peace and joy are mine.
Today I will accept God’s peace and joy,
in glad exchange for all the substitutes
that I have made for happiness and peace.
A slain Christ has no meaning.
But a risen Christ becomes the symbol of the
Son of God’s forgiveness on himself; the sign
he looks upon himself as healed and whole.
Forgive yourself your madness, and forget
all senseless journeys and all goal-less aims.
They have no meaning.
You can not escape from what you are.
For God is merciful,
and did not let His Son abandon Him.
Forgiveness shows us that God’s Will is one,
and that we share it. Let us look upon the holy
sights forgiveness shows today, that we may
find the peace of God.
Father, forgiveness is Your chosen means for
our salvation. Let us not forget today that we
can have no will but Yours. And thus our purpose
must be Yours as well, if we would reach
the peace You will for us.
The peace of God is shining in me now.
I will be still, and let the earth be still along with me.
And in that stillness we will find the peace of God.
It is within my heart,
which witnesses to God Himself.
In your brother you see the picture of your own
belief in what the Will of God must be for you.
In your forgiveness will you understand His Love
for you; through your attack believe He hates you,
thinking Heaven must be hell.
Where could your peace arise but from forgiveness?
The Christ in you looks only on the truth, and
sees no condemnation that could need forgiveness.
He is at peace because He sees no sin.
When you have looked upon your brother with
complete forgiveness, from which no error is
excluded and nothing kept hidden, what mistake
can there be anywhere you cannot overlook?
Forgiveness always rests upon the one who offers it,
until he sees himself as needing it no more.
And thus is he returned to his real function of
creating, which his forgiveness offers him again.
Forgiveness cannot be for one and not the other.
Who forgives is healed. And in his healing lies the
proof that he has truly pardoned, and retains no
trace of condemnation that he still would hold
against himself or any living thing.
The sick remain accusers. They cannot forgive their
brothers and themselves as well. For no one in
whom true forgiveness rests can suffer. He holds
not the proof of sin before his brother’s eyes.
And thus he must have overlooked it and
removed it from his own.
In dreams of murder and attack are you the victim
in a dying body slain. But in forgiving dreams is
no one asked to be the victim and the sufferer.
These are the happy dreams the miracle exchanges
for your own. It does not ask you make another;
only that you see you made the one you would
exchange for this.
Light and joy and peace abide in me.
I am the home of light and joy and peace.
I welcome them into the home I share with God,
because I am a part of Him.
But you are merely asked to see forgiveness
as the natural reaction to distress that rests
on error, and thus calls for help.
Forgiveness is the only sane response.
We who are one would recognize this day
the truth about ourselves. We would come home,
and rest in unity. For there is peace, and
nowhere else can peace be sought and found.
Father, this holy instant would I give to You.
Be You in charge. For I would follow You,
Certain that Your direction gives me peace.
God’s Word is given every mind which thinks that
it has separate thoughts, and will replace these
thoughts of conflict with the Thought of peace.
The Thought of peace was given to God’s Son
the instant that his mind had thought of war.
My brother, peace and joy I offer you,
That I may have God’s peace and joy as mine.
There is no peace except the peace of God.
Seek you no further. You will not find peace except
the peace of God. Accept this fact, and save yourself
the agony of yet more bitter disappointments, bleak
despair, and sense of icy hopelessness and doubt.
Forgiveness through the Holy Spirit lies simply in
looking beyond error from the beginning, and thus
keeping it unreal for you. Do not let any belief in
its realness enter your mind, or you will also
believe that you must undo what you have
made in order to be forgiven.
Forgiveness is the only function here,
and serves to bring the joy this world denies
to every aspect of God’s Son where sin
was thought to rule.
Dream of your brother’s kindnesses instead of
dwelling in your dreams on his mistakes. Select his
thoughtfulness to dream about instead of counting
up the hurts he gave. Forgive him his illusions, and
give thanks to him for all the helpfulness he gave.
I want the peace of God.
The peace of God is everything I want.
The peace of God is my one goal; the aim of all
my living here, the end I seek, my purpose and
my function and my life, while I abide
where I am not at home.
I want the peace of God.
When you forgive the world your guilt, you will
be free of it. Its innocence does not demand your
guilt, nor does your guiltlessness rest on its sins.
Look at the kindly world you see extend before you
as you walk in gentleness. Look at the helpers all
along the way you travel, happy in the certainty
of Heaven and the surety of peace.
Now do your eyes belong to Christ,
and He looks through them.
Now your voice belongs to God and echoes His.
And now your heart remains at peace forever.
Now are we one with Him Who is our Source.
There is a silence into which the world
can not intrude. There is an ancient peace
you carry in your heart and have not lost.
I rest in God.
The world is born again each time you rest,
and hourly remember that you came to bring
the peace of God into the world, that it might
take its rest along with you.
Forgiveness is this world’s equivalent of Heaven’s
justice. It translates the world of sin into a simple
world, where justice can be reflected from beyond
the gate behind which total lack of limits lies.
Sins are beyond forgiveness just because they would
entail effects that cannot be undone and overlooked
entirely. In their undoing lies the proof that they
are merely errors. Let yourself be healed that you
may be forgiving, offering salvation to your brother
and yourself.
Nothing can destroy your peace of mind
because God goes with you wherever you go.
I am one Self, united with my Creator.
Repeat today’s idea as frequently as possible,
and understand each time you do so,
someone hears the voice of hope,
the stirring of the truth within his mind,
the gentle rustling of the wings of peace. .
Holy are you, eternal, free and whole,
at peace forever in the Heart of God.
Where is the world, and where is sorrow now?
I am in need of nothing but the truth.
Now I see that I need only truth. In that all needs
are satisfied, all cravings end, all hopes are finally
fulfilled and dreams are gone. Now have I everything
that I could need. Now have I everything that I
could want. And now at last I find myself at peace.
What is the peace of God? No more than this;
the simple understanding that His Will is wholly
without opposite. There is no thought that
contradicts His Will, yet can be true.
Follow the Holy Spirit’s teaching in forgiveness,
then, because forgiveness is His function and
He knows how to fulfill it perfectly. That is what
I meant when I said that miracles are natural,
and when they do not occur something
has gone wrong.
Father, there is no will but Yours. And I am glad
that nothing I imagine contradicts what You would
have me be. It is Your Will that I be wholly safe,
eternally at peace. And happily I share that Will
which You, my Father, gave as part of me.
The peace of God can never be contained.
Who recognizes it within himself must give it.
And the means for giving it are in his understanding.
He forgives because he recognized the truth in him.
The peace of God is shining in you now,
and in all living things.
Be not afraid, my child, but let your world be
gently lit by miracles. And where the little gap
was seen to stand between you and your brother,
join him there. And so sickness will now be
seen without a cause. The dream of healing
in forgiveness lies, and gently shows you
that you never sinned.
Forgiveness removes only the untrue,
lifting the shadows from the world and carrying it,
safe and sure within its gentleness, to the bright
world of new and clean perception.
There is your purpose now.
And it is there that peace awaits you.
Forgiveness, once complete, brings timelessness
so close the song of Heaven can be heard, not with
the ears, but with the holiness that never left the
altar that abides forever deep within the Son of
God. And when he hears this song again, he knows
he never heard it not. And where is time, when
dreams of judgment have been put away?
This is the light that shows no opposites,
and vision, being healed, has power to heal.
This is the light that brings your peace of mind
to other minds, to share it and be glad that
they are one with you and with themselves.
O my brothers, if you only knew the peace that
will envelop you and hold you safe and pure
and lovely in the Mind of God, you could but
rush to meet Him where His altar is.
Make way for love, which you did not create,
but which you can extend. On earth this means
forgive your brother, that the darkness
may be lifted from your mind.
How is peace possible in this world?
In your judgment it is not possible,
and can never be possible.
But in the Judgment of God what
is reflected here is only peace.
Seek you no further. There is nothing else for you
to find except the peace of God, unless you seek
for misery and pain. Yet you can ask as easily
for love, for happiness, and for eternal life
in peace that has no ending.
Can you to whom God says, “Release My Son!”
be tempted not to listen, when you learn
that it is you for whom He asks release?
And what but this is what this course would teach?
And what but this is there for you to learn?
The betrayal of the Son of God lies only
in illusions, and all his “sins” are but his
own imagining. His reality is forever sinless.
He need not be forgiven but awakened.
The peace of God is shining in you now, and from
your heart extends around the world. It pauses to
caress each living thing, and leaves a blessing
with it that remains forever and forever.
We will remember, as the hour strikes, our function
is to let our minds be healed, that we may carry
healing to the world, exchanging curse for blessing,
pain for joy, and separation for the peace of God.
In the face of your fear of forgiveness, which the
Holy Spirit perceives as clearly as He knows
forgiveness is release, He will teach you to
remember that forgiveness is not loss, but your
salvation. And that in complete forgiveness,
in which you recognize that there is nothing
to forgive, you are absolved completely.
The real world shows a world seen differently,
through quiet eyes and with a mind at peace.
Nothing but rest is there. There are no cries of pain
and sorrow heard, for nothing there remains
outside forgiveness. And the sights are gentle.
Only happy sights and sounds can reach
the mind that has forgiven itself.
Forgiveness is this world’s equivalent of Heaven’s
justice. It translates the world of sin into a simple
world, where justice can be reflected from beyond
the gate behind which total lack of limits lies.
We have one Interpreter. And through His use
of symbols are we joined, so that they mean the
same to all of us. Our common language lets us
speak to all our brothers, and to understand
with them forgiveness has been given to us all,
and thus we can communicate again.
The one remaining problem that you have is
that you see an interval between the time when
you forgive, and will receive the benefits
of trusting in your brother.
Spirit makes use of mind as means
to find its Self expression.
And the mind which serves the spirit
is at peace and filled with joy.
The Atonement gives you the power of a healed
mind, but the power to create is of God.
Therefore, those who have been forgiven must
devote themselves first to healing because,
having received the idea of healing,
they must give it to hold it.
This day I choose to spend in perfect peace.
And let the peace I choose be mine today bear
witness to the truth of what He says. God’s Son
can have no cares, and must remain forever
in the peace of Heaven
Today accept God’s peace and joy as yours.
Let Him complete Himself as He defines completion.
Receive His gift of joy and peace today,
and He will thank you for your gift to Him.
Father, I would abide in You,
and know no laws except Your law of love.
And I would find the peace which You created
for Your Son, forgetting all the foolish toys
I made as I behold Your glory and my own.
Forgiveness is the key to happiness.
Here is the answer to your search for peace.
Here is the key to meaning in a world
that seems to make no sense.
Peace be to you today.
Secure your peace by practicing awareness you
are one with your Creator, as He is with you.
Let me remember I am one with God, at one
with all my brothers and my Self,
in everlasting holiness and peace.
The light of the world brings peace to every mind
through my forgiveness.
Now are you ready to accept the gift of peace
and joy that God has given you.
Now are you ready to experience the joy
and peace you have denied yourself.
Now you can say, “God’s peace and joy are mine,”
for you have given what you would receive.
My sinless brother is my guide to peace.
My sinful brother is my guide to pain.
And which I choose to see I will behold.
Now has our ministry begun at last,
to carry round the world the joyous news
that truth has no illusions, and the peace of God,
through us, belongs to everyone.
How beautiful the sight you saw beyond the veil,
which you will bring to light the tired eyes of those
as weary now as once you were. How thankful will
they be to see you come among them, offering
Christ’s forgiveness to dispel their faith in sin.
Forgiveness is the necessary condition for finding
the peace of God. More than this, given forgiveness
there must be peace. For what except attack will
lead to war? And what but peace is opposite to war?
Here the initial contrast stands out clear and
apparent. Yet when peace is found,
the war is meaningless.
Forgiveness is your peace,
for herein lies the end of separation and the
dream of danger and destruction, sin and death;
of madness and of murder, grief and loss.
This is the “sacrifice” salvation asks,
and gladly offers peace instead of this.
The emptiness engendered by fear must be
replaced by forgiveness. That is what the
Bible means by “There is no death,” and why
I could demonstrate that death does not exist.
For when forgiveness rests upon the world and
peace has come to every Son of God, what could
there be to keep things separate, for what
remains to see except Christ’s face?
Father, I must return Your Love for me, for giving
and receiving are the same, and You have given all
Your Love to me. I must return it, for I want it mine
in full awareness, blazing in my mind and keeping
it within its kindly light, inviolate, beloved,
with fear behind and only peace ahead.
If what you offer is complete forgiveness you must
have let guilt go, accepting the Atonement for
yourself and learning you are guiltless. How could
you learn what has been done for you, unknown
to you, unless you do what you would have to do
if it had been done for you?
Judgment and love are opposites.
From one come all the sorrows of the world.
But from the other comes the peace of God Himself.
Hold out your hand, that you may have the
gift of kind forgiveness which you offer one
whose need for it is just the same as yours.
And let the cruel concept of yourself be changed
to one that brings the peace of God.
From the forgiven world the Son of God
is lifted easily into his home.
And there he knows that he has always
rested there in peace.
Who would “go” anywhere,
if peace of mind is already complete?
And who would seek to change tranquility
for something more desirable?
What could be more desirable than this?
The light has come.
The light has come. You are healed and you can heal.
The light has come. You are saved and you can save.
You are at peace, and you bring peace with you
wherever you go.
Forgiveness sweeps away distortions, and opens the
hidden altar to the truth. Its lilies shine into the
mind, and call it to return and look within,
to find what it has vainly sought without.
For here, and only here, is peace of mind restored,
for this the dwelling place of God Himself.
You keep an ancient memory before your eyes.
And he who lives in memories alone
is unaware of where he is.
Forgiveness is the great release from time.
There is no will but God’s
I am at peace. Nothing can disturb me.
My will and God’s are one.
God wills peace for His Son.
I seek His peace today.
Let me recognize my problems have been solved.
You are entitled to peace today. A problem that has
been resolved cannot trouble you. Only be certain
you do not forget that all problems are the same.
Their many forms will not deceive you while you
remember this. One problem, one solution.
Accept the peace this simple statement brings.
Forgiveness cannot be withheld a little.
Nor is it possible to attack for this and love
for that and understand forgiveness.
I was a stranger and you took me in, not knowing
who I was. Yet for your gift of lilies you will know.
In your forgiveness of this stranger, alien to you
and yet your ancient Friend, lies his release and
your redemption with him.
God’s peace is recognized at first by just one thing; in
every way it is totally unlike all previous experiences.
It calls to mind nothing that went before.
It brings with it no past associations.
It is a new thing entirely.
Forgive me all the sins you think the Son of God
committed. And in the light of your forgiveness he
will remember who he is, and forget what never was.
I ask for your forgiveness, for if you are guilty, so
must I be. But if I surmounted guilt and overcame
the world, you were with me.
I am not asked to make a sacrifice to
find the mercy and the peace of God.
“The stillness of the peace of God is mine,”
and nothing can intrude upon the peace that
God Himself has given to His Son.
Truth is a savior and can only will for happiness and
peace for everyone. It gives its strength to everyone
who asks, in limitless supply. It gives its light that
all may see and benefit as one. Its strength is shared,
that it may bring to all the miracle in which they
will unite in purpose and forgiveness and in love.
It is not danger that comes when
defenses are laid down.
It is safety. It is peace. It is joy.
And it is God.
God asks for your forgiveness.
Forgive the great Creator of the universe, the
Source of life, of love and holiness, the perfect
Father of a perfect Son, for your illusions of your
specialness. Forgive the Holy One the specialness
He could not give, and that you made instead.
You can overlook your brother’s dreams. So perfectly
can you forgive him his illusions he becomes your
savior from your dreams. And as you see him shining
in the space of light where God abides within the
darkness, you will see that God Himself is where
his body is. Before this light the body disappears,
as heavy shadows must give way to light.
Forgiveness brings no little miracles
to lay before the gate of Heaven.
Here the Son of God Himself comes to receive
each gift that brings him nearer to his home.
Be not deceived about the meaning of a fixed belief
that some appearances are harder to look past than
others are. It always means you think forgiveness
must be limited. And you have set a goal of partial
pardon and a limited escape from guilt for you.
What can this be except a false forgiveness of
yourself, and everyone who seems apart from you?
Reality is never frightening.
It is impossible that it could upset me.
Reality brings only perfect peace.
You cannot give yourself your innocence,
for you are too confused about yourself.
But should one brother dawn upon your sight
as wholly worthy of forgiveness, then your
concept of yourself is wholly changed.
Your “evil” thoughts have been forgiven with his,
because you let them all affect you not.
Miracles are part of an interlocking chain of
forgiveness which, when completed, is the
Atonement. Atonement works all the time
and in all the dimensions of time.
God’s Final Judgment is as merciful as every step in
His appointed plan to bless His Son, and call him to
return to the eternal peace He shares with him.
Father, Your Son is like Yourself.
We come to You in Your Own Name today,
to be at peace within Your everlasting Love.
God is my refuge and security.
Let me today seek not security in danger,
nor attempt to find my peace in murderous attack.
I live in God. In Him I find my refuge and my strength.
In Him is my Identity. In Him is everlasting peace.
And only there will I remember Who I really am.
A miracle is a universal blessing from
God through me to all my brothers.
It is the privilege of the forgiven to forgive.
Prayer is a way of asking for something. It is the
medium of miracles. But the only meaningful
prayer is for forgiveness, because those who
have been forgiven have everything.
And what was once a dream of judgment
now has changed into a dream where all is joy,
because that is the purpose that it has.
Only forgiving dreams can enter here, for time
is almost over. And the forms that enter in
the dream are now perceived as brothers,
not in judgment, but in love.
Today’s idea continues with the thought that joy and
peace are not but idle dreams. They are your right,
because of what you are. They come to you from
God, Who cannot fail to give you what He wills.
I seek but what belongs to me in truth,
And joy and peace are my inheritance.
Peace is the answer to conflicting goals,
to senseless journeys, frantic, vain pursuits,
and meaningless endeavors.
Now the way is easy, sloping gently toward the
bridge where freedom lies within the peace of God.
To mean you want the peace of God is to renounce
all dreams. For no one means these words who
wants illusions, and who therefore seeks
the means which bring illusions.
There is no peace except the peace of God,
because He has one Son who cannot make a
world in opposition to God’s Will and to his own,
which is the same as His.
We want the peace of God.
This is no idle wish. These words do not
request another dream be given us.
Forgiveness is not yet a power known as wholly free
of limits. Yet it sets no limits you have chosen to
impose.When its aim has been accomplished it is
functionless. Yet in the learning interval it has a
use that now you fear, but yet will love.
There is a peace that Christ bestows on us.
Who uses but Christ’s vision finds a peace so deep
and quiet, undisturbable and wholly changeless,
that the world contains no counterpart.
Comparisons are still before this peace.
My sinlessness ensures me perfect peace, eternal
safety, everlasting love, freedom forever from
all thought of loss; complete deliverance from
suffering. And only happiness can be my state,
for only happiness is given me.
Hear His Voice alone in all that speaks to you.
And let Him give you peace and certainty
which you have thrown away,
but Heaven has preserved for you in Him.
Like every lesson that the Holy Spirit requests
you learn, the miracle is clear. It demonstrates
what He would have you learn, and shows you its
effects are what you want. In His forgiving dreams
are the effects of yours undone, and hated enemies
perceived as friends with merciful intent.
We trust our ways to Him and say “Amen.”
In peace we will continue in His way,
and trust all things to Him.
This is a day of stillness and of peace.
Christ’s vision looks through me today.
His sight shows me all things forgiven and at peace,
and offers this same vision to the world.
The Holy Spirits simple lessons in forgiveness
have a power mightier than yours, because they
call from God and from your Self to you.
The light of the world brings peace to every mind
through my forgiveness.
The holiness of your relationship forgives you
and your brother, undoing the effects of what
you both believed and saw. And with their going
is the need for sin gone with them.
It is as sure that those who hold grievances
will suffer guilt, as it is certain that those
who forgive will find peace.
The peace of God is ours, and only this will we
accept and want. Peace be to us today. For we have
found a simple, happy way to leave the world
of ambiguity, and to replace our shifting goals
and solitary dreams with single purpose
and companionship.
There is another purpose in the world that error
made, because it has another Maker Who can
reconcile its goal with His Creator’s purpose.
In His perception of the world, nothing is seen
but justifies forgiveness and the sight of perfect
sinlessness. Nothing arises but is met with
instant and complete forgiveness.
Forgiving dreams have little need to last.
They are not made to separate the mind from
what it thinks. They do not seek to prove the
dream is being dreamed by someone else.
And in these dreams a melody is heard that
everyone remembers, though he has not heard
it since before all time began.
God’s answer is some form of peace.
All pain is healed; all misery replaced with joy.
All prison doors are opened.
And all sin is understood as merely a mistake.
The hush of Heaven holds my heart today.
Father, in You is everything I hope to find already
given me. Your peace is mine. My heart is quiet, and
my mind at rest. Your Love is Heaven, and Your Love is mine.
My heart is beating in the peace of God.
Each heartbeat brings me peace; each breath
infuses me with strength. I am a messenger of God,
directed by His Voice, sustained by Him in love,
and held forever quiet and at peace
within His loving Arms.
All that must be forgiven are the illusions you have
held against your brothers. Thus will you learn that
you have been forgiven, for it is you who offered
them illusions. In the holy instant this is done
for you in time, to bring you the true condition
of Heaven.
There is no surer proof idolatry is what you wish
than a belief there are some forms of sickness
and of joylessness forgiveness cannot heal.
This means that you prefer to keep some idols,
and are not prepared, as yet, to let all idols go.
And thus you think that some appearances ar
real and not appearances at all.
Beyond this world there is a world I want.
Our emphasis is not on giving up the world, but
on exchanging it for what is far more satisfying,
filled with joy, and capable of offering you peace.
Think you this world can offer that to you?
Forgive the past and let it go, for it is gone.
You stand no longer on the ground that lies between
the worlds. You have gone on, and reached the world
that lies at Heaven’s gate. There is no hindrance
to the Will of God, nor any need that you repeat
again a journey that was over long ago.
And when the evening comes today,
we will remember nothing but the peace of God.
For we will learn today what peace is ours,
when we forget all things except God’s Love.
To forgive is to overlook. Look, then, beyond error
and do not let your perception rest upon it,
for you will believe what your perception holds.
Accept as true only what your brother is,
if you would know yourself.
Peace be to me, and peace to all the world.
In holiness were we created and
in holiness do we remain.
Your Son is like to You in perfect sinlessness.
And with this thought we gladly say “Amen.”
The purpose of Atonement is to dispel illusions,
not to establish them as real and then forgive them.
How Is Peace Possible In This World?
God’s Word has promised that peace is
possible here, and what He promises
can hardly be impossible.
The holy instant in which you and your brother
were united is but the messenger of love,
sent from beyond forgiveness to remind you
of all that lies beyond it. Yet it is through
forgiveness that it will be remembered.
The Son whom God created is as free as God created
him. He was reborn the instant that he chose to die
instead of live. And will you not forgive him now,
because he made an error in the past that God
remembers not, and is not there?
My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy.
As I share the peace of the world with my brothers,
I begin to understand that this peace comes from
deep within myself. The world I look upon
has taken on the light of my forgiveness,
and shines forgiveness back at me.
A dream is given you in which he is your savior,
not your enemy in hate. A dream is given you in
which you have forgiven him for all his dreams
of death; a dream of hope you share with him,
instead of dreaming evil separate dreams of hate.
Once forgiveness has been accepted, prayer in
the usual sense becomes utterly meaningless.
The prayer for forgiveness is nothing more
than a request that you may be able to
recognize what you already have.
Brother, you need forgiveness of your brother, for
you will share in madness or in Heaven together.
And you and he will raise your eyes in faith
together, or not at all.
When you become disturbed and lose your peace of
mind because another is attempting to solve his
problems through fantasy, you are refusing to forgive
yourself for just this same attempt. And you are holding
both of you away from truth and from salvation. As
you forgive him, you restore to truth what was denied
by both of you. And you will see forgiveness where
you have given it.
The Holy Spirit in you forgives all things
in`you and in your brother. His errors
are`forgiven with yours.
The mind which means that all it wants is peace
must join with other minds, for that is how peace
is obtained. And when the wish for peace is genuine,
the means for finding it is given, in a form each
mind that seeks for it in honesty can understand.
Let me attend Your Answer, not my own.
Father, my heart is beating in the
peace the Heart of Love created.
It is there and only there that I can be at home.
I am spirit.
Today’s idea identifies you with your one Self.
It accepts no split identity, nor tries to weave
opposing factors into unity. It simply states the truth.
Practice this truth today as often as you can,
for it will bring your mind from conflict
to the quiet fields of peace.
Is it too much to ask a little trust for him
who carries Christ to you, that you may be
forgiven all your sins, and left without a single one
you cherish still? Forget not that a shadow held
between your brother and yourself obscures
the face of Christ and memory of God.
The quiet of today will bless our hearts,
and through them peace will come to everyone.
Christ is our eyes today. And through His sight
we offer healing to the world through Him,
the holy Son whom God created whole;
the holy Son whom God created one.
To heal is to make whole. And what is whole can
have no missing parts that have been kept outside.
Forgiveness rests on recognizing this, and being
glad there cannot be some forms of sickness
which the miracle must lack the power to heal.
We spend this day together, you and I. And all
the world joins with us in our song of thankfulness
and joy to Him Who gave salvation to us, and Who
set us free. We are restored to peace and holiness.
There is no room in us for fear today, for we have
welcomed love into our hearts.
You must forgive God’s Son entirely. Or you will
keep an image of yourself that is not whole, and
will remain afraid to look within and find escape
from every idol there. Salvation rests on faith there
cannot be some forms of guilt that you cannot
forgive. And so there cannot be appearances that
have replaced the truth about God’s Son.
No one forgives unless he has believed in sin
and still believes that he has much to be forgiven.
Forgiveness thus becomes the means by which he
learns he has done nothing to forgive.
Miracles are natural signs of forgiveness.
Through miracles you accept God’s forgiveness
by extending it to others.
Peace is the bridge that everyone will cross,
to leave this world behind.
But peace begins within the world perceived as
different, and leading from this fresh perception
to the gate of Heaven and the way beyond.
Remember that peace is your right,
because you are giving your trust to
the strength of God.
I could see peace instead of this.
The peace of God is shining in me now.
Let all things shine upon me in that peace,
And let me bless them with the light in me.
The universe beyond the sun and stars, and all the
thoughts of which you can conceive, belong to you.
God’s peace is the condition for His Will.
Attain His peace, and you remember Him.
Father, it is Your peace that I would give,
receiving it of You.
Father, I seek the peace You gave as mine in my
creation. What was given then must be here now,
for my creation was apart from time, and still
remains beyond all change. The peace in which
Your Son was born into Your Mind is shining there
unchanged. I am as You created me. I need but
call on You to find the peace You gave.
This world has much to offer to your peace,
and many chances to extend your own forgiveness.
Such its purpose is, to those who want to see
peace and forgiveness descend on them
and offer them the light.
You are my goal, my Father. Only You.
Where would I go but Heaven?
What could be a substitute for happiness?
What gift could I prefer before the peace of God?
When light has come to your brother through your
forgiveness, he will not forget his savior, leaving
him unsaved. For it was in your face he saw the
light that he would keep beside him, as hewalks
through darkness to the everlasting Light.
God’s peace and joy are yours. Today we will accept
them, knowing they belong to us. And we will try to
understand these gifts increase as we receive them.
And so, my Father, would I pass this day with You.
Your Son has not forgotten You.
The peace You gave him still is in his mind,
and it is there I choose to spend today.
Each brother whom you meet today provides
another chance to let Christ’s vision shine on you,
and offer you the peace of God.
We thank You, Father, for the light that shines
forever in us. And we honor it, because You share
it with us. We are one, united in this light and one
with You, at peace with all creation and ourselves.
You are God’s messenger today.
You bring His happiness to all you look upon;
His peace to everyone who looks on you
and sees His message in your happy face.
I am the light of the world.
How holy am I, who have been given the function
of lighting up the world! Let me be still before
my holiness. In its calm light let all my conflicts
disappear. In its peace let me remember Who I am.
The peace of God is shining in me now.
Why wait for Heaven? Those who seek the light are
merely covering their eyes. The light is in them now.
Yet is the world of hatred equally unseen and
inconceivable to those who feel God’s Love in them.
Their world reflects the quietness and peace that
shines in them; the gentleness and innocence they
see surrounding them; the joy with which they
look out from the endless wells of joy within.
We stand together, Christ and I,
in peace and certainty of purpose.
And in Him is His Creator, as He is in me.
Nothing in boundless love could need forgiveness.
And what is charity within the world gives way to
simple justice past the gate that opens into Heaven.
You are the spirit lovingly endowed with all
your Father’s Love and peace and joy.
You are the spirit which completes Himself,
and shares His function as Creator.
He is with you always, as you are with Him.
You are set on freedom’s road, and now today’s idea
brings wings to speed you on, and hope to go still
faster to the waiting goal of peace.
The final step is God’s, because it is but God
Who could create a perfect Son and share His
Fatherhood with him. No one outside of Heaven
knows how this can be, for understanding this is
Heaven itself. Even the real world has a purpose
still beneath creation and eternity. But fear is gone
because its purpose is forgiveness, not idolatry.
You have let all bars to peace and joy be lifted up,
and what is yours can come to you at last.
So tell yourself, “God’s peace and joy are mine,”
and close your eyes a while, and let His Voice assure
you that the words you speak are true.
God goes with me wherever I go.
How can I be alone when God always goes with me?
How can I be doubtful and unsure of myself when
perfect certainty abides in Him? How can I be
disturbed by anything when He rests in me
in absolute peace?
Jesus would help you yet a little more if
you will share your pains and joys with him,
and leave them both to find the peace of God.
It is not the world that makes peace seem impossible.
It is the world you see that is impossible. Yet has
God’s Judgment on this distorted world redeemed it
and made it fit to welcome peace. And peace descends
on it in joyous answer. Peace now belongs here,
because a Thought of God has entered.
Forgiveness is the only function meaningful in time.
It is the means the Holy Spirit uses to translate
specialness from sin into salvation.
Forgiveness is for all. But when it rests on all it is
complete, and every function of this world
completed with it. Then is time no more.
Whom you forgive is given power
to forgive you your illusions.
By your gift of freedom is it given unto you.
Forgiveness is the healing of the perception
of separation. Correct perception of your
brother is necessary, because minds have
chosen to see themselves as separate.
Spirit knows God completely.
Today we will attempt to offer peace to everyone,
and see how quickly peace returns to us.
Light is tranquility, and in that peace is
vision given us, and we can see.
To everyone I offer quietness.
To everyone I offer peace of mind.
Behold your Friend, the Christ Who stands beside
you. How holy and how beautiful He is! You
thought He sinned because you cast the veil of sin
upon Him to hide His loveliness. Yet still He holds
forgiveness out to you, to share His holiness.
The gift of Christ is all I seek today.
Today I can forget the world I made.
Today I can go past all fear, and be restored to love
and holiness and peace. Today I am redeemed,
and born anew into a world of mercy and of care;
of loving kindness and the peace of God.
Creation is eternal and unalterable.
Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God.
You are and will forever be exactly as you were
created. Light and joy and peace abide in you
because God put them there.
Forgiveness lies in communication as
surely as damnation lies in guilt.
The real world is the state of mind in which
the only purpose of the world is seen to be
forgiveness. Fear is not its goal, for the escape
from guilt becomes its aim. The value of
forgiveness is perceived and takes the place
of idols, which are sought no longer,
for their “gifts” are not held dear.
We clear a holy place within our minds before
His altar, where His gifts of peace and joy
are welcome, and to which we come to find
what has been given us by Him.
God’s Son can never change by what men made
of him. He will be as he was and as he is, for time
appointed not his destiny, nor set the hour of his
birth and death. Forgiveness will not change him.
Yet time waits upon forgiveness that the things of
time may disappear because they have no use.
Forgiveness turns the world of sin into a world of
glory, wonderful to see. Each flower shines in light,
and every bird sings of the joy of Heaven.
There is no sadness and there is no parting here,
for everything is totally forgiven. And what has
been forgiven must join, for nothing stands
between to keep them separate and apart.
Father, we are like You.
No cruelty abides in us, for there is none in You.
Your peace is ours. And we bless the world
with what we have received from You alone.
We ask for rest today, and quietness unshaken
by the world’s appearances. We ask for peace and
stillness, in the midst of all the turmoil born
of clashing dreams. We ask for safety and
for happiness, although we seem to look
on danger and on sorrow.
Home of the Holy Spirit, and at home in God alone,
does Christ remain at peace within the Heaven
of your holy mind. This is the only part of you
that has reality in truth. The rest is dreams.
Rest in the Holy Spirit, and allow His gentle
dreams to take the place of those you dreamed
in terror and in fear of death. He brings forgiving
dreams, in which the choice is not who is the
murderer and who shall be the victim.
You choose God’s peace, or you have asked for
dreams. And dreams will come as you requested
them. Yet will God’s peace come just as certainly,
and to remain with you forever.
Salvation is a paradox indeed!
What could it be except a happy dream?
It asks you but that you forgive all things that
no one ever did; to overlook what is not there,
and not to look upon the unreal as reality.
No one who truly seeks the peace of God can fail to
find it. For he merely asks that he deceive himself no
longer by denying to himself what is God’s Will.
Thus is the real world’s purpose gently
brought into awareness, to replace
the goal of sin and guilt.
And all that stood between your image
of yourself and what you are,
forgiveness washes joyfully away.
We who complete Him offer thanks to Him,
as He gives thanks to us.
The Son is still, and in the quiet God has given him
enters his home and is at peace at last.
There is a place in you where there is perfect peace.
There is a place in you where nothing is impossible.
There is a place in you where
the strength of God abides.
I am one Self, united with my Creator.
Let all your errors go by recognizing them for what
they are. They are attempts to keep you unaware you
are one Self, united with your Creator, at one with
every aspect of creation, and limitless in power and
in peace. This is the truth, and nothing else is true.
Nothing has ever happened to disturb the
peace of God the Father and the Son.
Give welcome to the Power beyond forgiveness,
and beyond the world of symbols and of limitations.
What is forgiveness but a willingness that truth be
true? What can remain unhealed and broken from
a Unity Which holds all things within Itself?
There is no sin. And every miracle is possible the
instant that the Son of God perceives his wishes
and the Will of God are one.
Go out in gladness to meet with your Redeemer,
and walk with Him in trust out of this world, and
into the real world of beauty and forgiveness.
Forgiveness is the answer to attack of any kind.
So is attack deprived of its effects,
and hate is answered in the name of love.
The Holy Spirit forgives everything because God
created everything. He will teach you how to see
yourself without condemnation, by learning how
to look on everything without it. Condemnation
will then not be real to you, and all your errors
will be forgiven.
Today it will be given you to feel the peace
forgiveness offers, and the joy the lifting of the veil
holds out to you. Before the light you will receive
today the world will fade until it disappears,
and you will see another world arise you have no
words to picture. Now we walk directly into light.
The emptiness engendered by fear must be
replaced by forgiveness. That is what the
Bible means by “There is no death,” and why
I could demonstrate that death does not exist.
Forgiving dreams remind you that you live in
safety and have not attacked yourself. So do your
childish terrors melt away, and dreams become
a sign that you have made a new beginning, not
another try to worship idols and to keep attack.
And so we walk with Him from this time on,
and turn to Him for guidance and for peace
and sure direction. Joy attends our way.
For we go homeward to an open door which
God has held unclosed to welcome us.
Conflict is sleep, and peace awakening.
Death is illusion; life, eternal truth.
There is no opposition to Your Will.
There is no conflict, for my will is Yours.
”Who walks with me?”
This question should be asked a thousand times
a day, till certainty has ended doubting
and established peace.
Forgiving dreams are kind to everyone who figures
in the dream. And so they bring the dreamer full
release from dreams of fear. He does not fear
his judgment for he has judged no one, nor
has sought to be released through judgment
from what judgment must impose.
And what is light except the resolution, born of
peace, of all your conflicts and mistaken thoughts
into one concept which is wholly true? Even that one
will disappear, because the Thought behind it will
appear instead to take its place. And now you are
at peace forever, for the dream is over then.
Can you imagine how beautiful those you forgive
will look to you? In no fantasy have you ever seen
anything so lovely. Nothing you see here, sleeping
or waking, comes near to such loveliness.
Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God.
Nothing can touch it, or change what God created
as eternal. The self you made, evil and full of sin,
is meaningless. Your sinlessness is guaranteed
by God, and light and joy and peace abide in you.
The grace of God rests gently on forgiving eyes, and
everything they look on speaks of Him to the beholder.
He can see no evil; nothing in the world to fear,
and no one who is different from himself.
And as he loves them, so he looks upon himself with
love and gentleness. He would no more condemn
himself for his mistakes than damn another.
Nothing around you but is part of you. Look on it
lovingly, and see the light of Heaven in it. So will
you come to understand all that is given you. In
kind forgiveness will the world sparkle and shine,
and everything you once thought sinful now will
be reinterpreted as part of Heaven.
Now will I seek and find the peace of God.
In peace I was created. And in peace do I remain.
It is not given me to change my Self.
How merciful is God my Father, that when
He created me He gave me peace forever.
Yet will one lily of forgiveness change the darkness
into light; the altar to illusions to the shrine of
Life Itself. And peace will be restored forever to
the holy minds which God created as His Son,
His dwelling place, His joy, His love, completely
His, completely one with Him.
And no one walks upon the earth but must depend
on your decision, that he learn death has no power
over him, because he shares your freedom as he
shares your will. It is your will to heal him, and
because you have decided with him, he is healed.
And now is God forgiven, for you chose to look
upon your brother as a friend.
Father, Your peace is mine. What need have I
to fear that anything can rob me of what You
would have me keep? I cannot lose Your gifts to me.
And so the peace You gave Your Son is with me still,
in quietness and in my own eternal love for You.