
A Course In Miracles International Invites You To…


A global festival celebrating the freedom and peace that the healing power
of love and forgiveness is bringing to all the world.

A Loving Message Of Sharing From Teachers Around The World

  • மன னிப பு எடர னல லைப முக கிய
  • การให้อภัยเป็นกุญแจสำคัญในชีวิตนิรันดร์
  • Przebaczenie jest kluczem do Życia W iecznego
  • A megbocsátás az örök élet kulcsa
  • Vergebung ist der Schlüssel zum ewigen Leben
  • Il perdono è la chiave alla Vita Eterna
  • El perdó es la clau de la Vida Eterna
  • ןבעל קיבייא וצ לסילש רעד זיא הליחמ
  • Уучлал өршөөл бол мөнхийн амьдралын түлхүүр
  • Oprastanje je Kijuc za Vjecni Zivor
  • การให้อภัยเป็นกุญแจสำคัญในชีวิตนิรันดร์
  • A megbocsátás az örök élet kulcsa
  • Oprost je ključ za Vječni Život
  • Iertarea este cheia către Viața Eternă
  • El perdón es la llave de la Vida Eterna
  • Is é maithiúnas an eochair do Bheatha Shíoraí
  • חצנ ייחל חתפמה איה החילסה
  • 許しは永遠の生命の重要な鍵です
  • 寬恕是永恆的生命的鍵關
  • La rémission est la clef à la vie éternelle
  • yekerta ye deheinnet kulif neow
  • Прощение - это ключ к Вечной Ж изни
  • Vergeving is de sleutel tot Eeuwig Leven
  • क्षमा अनन्त जीवन के लिए महत्वपूर्ण ह
  • Η Συγχώρεση είναι το κλειδί για την αιώνια ζωή
  • Förlåtelse är nyckeln till Evigt Liv
  • تسا یدبا یگدنز هب دیلک ،ششخب
  • Прощення - це ключ до Вічного Ж иття
மன னிப பு எடர னல லைப முக கிய

Forgiveness Is The Key To Eternal Life

The holiest of all the spots on earth is where
an ancient hatred has become a present love…

Dear Friend,

This is a special invitation to you and members of your family and or organization to join in the worldwide 7-day celebration of International Week of Forgiveness and Perfect Peace to be held from September 17 through September 23, 2018. This event auspiciously includes the United Nations International Day of Peace on Friday, September 21st forming the cornerstone of this shared commemoration.

Through this observance, we are inviting all of our friends from the dark days of the 20th and 21st Centuries, to share together through single acts of reconciliation, their own joyous recognition of the Eternally Creating Reality of this Universe – a Reality of which we are all individually and in consort, through the power of forgiving love, an indivisible part.

Friends and families of the victims of terrorist attacks, war and genocide are invited to gather with Veterans and Servicemen and friends from many nations and many wars, to share at last some incomparable healing moments.

Individuals are encouraged to form their own small groups, organize their own events, or celebrate privately in their own way.

Everyone is invited to let this week be a time of letting bygones be bygones, and enjoying the peace of mind unburdened by grievances and guilt.

The healing power of our forgiveness will bring to all of us a new light of forbearance and understanding that will radiate among all the nations of this world in a single burst of Healing Grace.

Along with all the information about the advent of this Great Awakening, we have attached a link to one of many compelling stories of the healing power of forgiveness. We believe it is a potent demonstration of how a single act of forgiveness can bring about joyously dramatic transformative changes in our shared self-identities of pain and deprivation that previously defined us and this world.

We are happily aware and supportive of your determination, along with many of us, to express the necessity for declarations of forgiveness of each other in the lives and fortunes that we share, as a prime ingredient in our continuing search for lasting peace and friendship among the peoples of this planet.